Artist Olaf Breuning offered me some advice in response to my work during a studio visit today. I was telling him about my inability to get my foot in the door somewhere, to translate all of these creative projects I have going on in my head and in the studio, to a "sustainable" (for lack of a better word) artistic practice. He said to dial in on the stream, to some of my favorite images and moments within the work and blow them up and paint them. To get back to my strength through the work I've been doing. I am adding my owns words, his were more succinct and sound: reduce the noise, zero in on some of the images, paint.
Specifically, he liked the @infinite_canvas but was asking, "what do you do with it?". What happens if someone shows interest? How do you translate that into something you can show. And sure it can all be printed out as one long thing, but there are a lot of strong images in there that could be taken out and painted. And then the infinite_canvas acts as a research project for my painting and vice versa. The individual 1080x1080px grids, the individual Instagram posts can act as the framing device. Here are a few I pulled out...