Painting with My Dad: Natural Collaboration

When I came home after college to take painting lessons from my dad, one of the ways he taught me was by painting on the same canvas at the same time.  There are tremendous benefits to this.  You see how someone mixes colors, applies their brush,  makes their lines, on and on.   In recent years, the lessons have stopped but our collaborations continue.  This process of painting on the same canvas at the same time naturally transitioned over to our collaborations.  

I just recorded one of these sessions on April 13th, 2017.  We didn't even talk about what we were going to paint or the form of the painting beforehand.  We just play off of each other as we paint together. At first I thought I could bring this into the Infinite Canvas No. 3 series, but unfortunately the canvas was too small.  Instead, here is a very intimate look into my painting process with my best teacher, my father.

We used very watered down mars black acrylic paint on canvas.  The work is done in his basement (you can see some of his framed paintings behind the canvas).  Check out some of his professional gallery work: